Nov 17, 2015 | Recent Jobs
Some great customers from Santa Fe, New Mexico called NMCRC because their cat ripped the nice berber carpet. We use IICRC techniques when doing all repairs. This includes the use of seam sealer and make sure the backings of the carpet are within 2mm. Some...
Oct 9, 2014 | Recent Jobs
NMCRC was called out to repair these stairs that were damaged by their pet. We went out to the Academy area and found a hole chewed in the carpet. We promptly went out and repaired this carpet with excellent results. We saved this customer some dollars by not having...
Oct 7, 2014 | Recent Jobs
New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning was called to the Academy Area to repair several damages due to pets. We love our pets but it is frustrating when they damage carpet. Luckily it can be repaired instead of replaced. Give us a call to learn more about...