Jun 9, 2014 | Recent Jobs
Many times a carpet will wear away and fray exposing the tack strip at the tile transition. Fortunately for your feet and your wallet, we can repair this type of damage for a fraction of the cost of replacing your whole carpet. We can use extra carpet left...
Apr 11, 2014 | Recent Jobs
This pet damage in Ventana Ranch left the tack strip exposed and a mom with babies that kept poking their feet. If you have ever worked with tack strip you know it is very sharp and will cause bleeding very quickly especially for babies. We do work like this all...
Feb 22, 2014 | Recent Jobs
New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning was called to this damaged carpet to tile transition. The carpet was becoming frayed and the tack strip was exposed. The customer was concerned because her grandchildren cut themselves on the exposed tack strip. It was no...