Rio Rancho Carpet Re-Stretch

             New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning was called to re-stretch a badly rippled carpet in Rio Rancho.  We enjoy working for wonderful people and doing what it takes for our customers carpet to be up to their standards.  We can re-stretch carpet with...

Ventana Ranch Pet Damage Repair

   This pet damage in Ventana Ranch left the tack strip exposed and a mom with babies that kept poking their feet.  If you have ever worked with tack strip you know it is very sharp and will cause bleeding very quickly especially for babies.  We do work like this all...

Rio Rancho Carpet Stretch

We were called to stretch this severely rippled carpet in Rio Rancho.  It was rippled for so long that once tot wear from the ripple was visible.  This is common to carpet bubbles and can be cleaned to look better.  New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning can do both at...

Los Lunas Carpet Stretch

      New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning was called to these “snakes” or ripples in a modular home in Los Lunas.  This is common to homes that are for sale because while unoccupied the heat can rise above 85 degrees which is the temperature needed for...

Pet Damage Carpet Repair Albuquerque

   New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning was called to this pet damage in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  The owner thought it would be very difficult to fix and needed to be stretched.  While it can be a difficult fix for some, not for New Mexico Carpet Repair and...