Albuquerque Carpet Re-stretch and Cleaning

If your carpet is looking tired and dingy don’t despair. All it may need is a good stretch and clean. Call on a professional, certified technician like this client from Albuquerque, New Mexico did. You will be glad you did. The results pictured here are the kind...

Albuquerque Carpet Install

If you have a room or a small area that needs some carpet, call New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning. We will be happy to come out and take care of it for you. We can pull up the old carpet and dispose of it. We can purchase the new section for you and install it. If...

Santa Fe Berber Pet Damage Repair

   Some great customers from Santa Fe, New Mexico called NMCRC because their cat ripped the nice berber carpet.  We use IICRC techniques when doing all repairs.  This includes the use of seam sealer and make sure the backings of the carpet are within 2mm.   Some...

Belen Pet Damage Carpet Repair

     New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning was called to Belen, NM because a dog chewed a hole in their carpet.  For whatever reason the animal had to chew up the carpet, it is a common occurrence.  Your not the only one with pet damage in your carpet!  NMCRC...

Taylor Ranch Carpet Stretch and Cleaning

Why does carpet need to be re-stretched? Several conditions can cause your carpet to ripple and wrinkle like the carpet pictured above. This homeowner from the Taylor Ranch area of Albuquerque, New Mexico had this problem. High temperatures and an enclosed room,...