Jul 21, 2015 | Recent Jobs
Wow! Look at what this client from Rio Rancho, New Mexico found when they came home one day. It looks as though this carpet is history. No worries you can do what this customer did and call New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning. Our technician is IICRC certified and...
Jul 10, 2015 | Recent Jobs
Exposure to long periods of high heat like we experience here in Albuquerque, Bernalillo or wherever you might be, are one of the situations that can lead to carpet wrinkling. If a house is closed up for an extended period in high temperatures, this could be the...
Jul 9, 2015 | Recent Jobs
Just look at the damage on this carpet. You might think this carpet is toast! When you have damage this severe you must remember, “Don’t replace it , Repair it!” Just call New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning. We will be out to your home in a flash...
Jul 1, 2015 | Recent Jobs
If you find yourself needing a small carpet installation job in your home or business call New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning. We will come out and take care of you no matter how big or small the installation may be. This client from Albuquerque just needed a room...
Jun 30, 2015 | Recent Jobs
What do you do when your carpet is looking a little dingy and needs some TLC? You call New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning. That’s what this client from the north valley area of Albuquerque did. The carpet is looking clean and refreshed. Our IICRC certified...