May 25, 2020 | Recent Jobs
New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning (NMCRC) can stretch your wall to wall carpet for multiple reasons in Albuquerque, NM! Not only does NMCRC stretch carpet to get unsightly ripples out, or to reinstall useful carpet after being uninstalled (usually due to water...
Mar 16, 2020 | Recent Jobs
Dear customers, New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning (NMCRC) is dedicated to serving New Mexico residents and businesses through this pandemic with healthy practices. Lessenen the possibility of spreading the COVID-19 virus and other viruses and bacteria is our...
Feb 26, 2020 | carpet cleaning, Recent Jobs
Puppies in Albuquerque are great for alot of reasons; home protection, mental health, fun, and companionship are all wonderful benefits of our canine friends. While this is true for many, dogs, especially puppies not the best for carpet. When dogs are locked in a...
Jan 20, 2020 | Recent Jobs
New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning is here to tighten up your carpet literally and ascetically in Albuquerque, New Mexico! If you have loose and dirty carpet, NMCRC has the experience, knowledge, and ability to stretch and clean your carpet into a much better...
Jan 11, 2018 | carpet cleaning, Recent Jobs
New Mexico Carpet Repair and Cleaning does carpet re-stretching and cleaning on a regular basis! Having been trained by some of the best in the business in 2013 and earning an IICRC certification in repairs and cleaning, we know what it takes to get your carpet...